Saturday, April 2, 2011

The Letter of the Week ~ L (overview)

We had a fantastic time studying the letter L this week! Here's what we did:

We created our L poster and hung it in our front hallway. Throughout the week we added things as they came to mind.

Camille also helped with laundry and we read some books with L in the title.

Camille decorated her L page and we hung it on the wall next to the poster.

Then we had lunch with Daddy and drank lemonade.

Levi loved on Leo and Luisa.

Camille and Auntie Megan did lots of exercises like L-sits, log rolls, and lunges.

We also danced to some L songs that we had on the computer and watched a Sesame Street L song and version of This Little Light of Mine on YouTube.

We went on a special trip to the library, where we were able to join in on a music class for kids under the age of five. Camille, Levi, and Josiah had a fun time playing with rhythm sticks, singing, dancing, and going under the giant parachute. When we got home Camille helped make fresh lemonade.


Overall I think that the week went very well. Camille had fun with all of the special activities, and also enjoyed pointing out L words wherever we went. She had her memory verse (Let your light shine!) memorized the very first day and is looking forward to learning a new verse next week.

At first I was worried that this project would be something I would have a hard time keeping up with, but since it's so very informal I don't think it will be a problem. Some weeks we will do more things letter-related than other weeks. Some weeks we will take fewer photos. And sometimes we'll just go with the flow!

Check back tomorrow to find out what the letter of the week will be for next week!

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