Sunday, June 19, 2011

Letter of the Week ~ B

This week we focused on the letter B!

Memory Verse: Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved. Acts 16:31
Key words: blue, bakery, bread, ballerina, baby

We read lots of B books this week! Camille's favorites were Blueberries for Sal and Bread and Jam for Frances. She's really been loving the Frances books lately, and it was pretty handy that three of them are B books. Here are the B books we either had at home or checked out at the library:

On Monday Camille put pictures on her B poster:

Originally there were a few other pictures on her poster, but Levi got a hold of it and tore it apart best he could before we found him.

On Tuesday she decorated her B page with buttons:

On Wednesday we went on our field trip to our favorite local bakery, Great Harvest Bread Company! When I had spoken with them earlier in the week I didn't know for sure that Isabel, Josiah, Kristy, and Levi would be joining us on the field trip, so they weren't expecting six people. Nevertheless, they were very happy to give us all a little behind-the-scenes tour of their bakery.

Camille was on her best behavior while we were there, and listened with interest as Peter the baker showed us around and explained the steps of baking bread.

We tried to get the girls to be in the photo with him, but they decided to act like typical three-year-olds and refuse. So I took one of Camille outside after we ate our slices of cinnamon swirl bread.

On Thursday we boiled beets and blended them into a puree. Then we put on our don't-care-if-they-get-dirty clothes and headed outside to dye her hair pink!

We covered it with a plastic bag and left it there for about an hour before we rinsed it out. Unfortunately it all came out and left not even a hint of pink. We were all a little disappointed, but are determined to make something work. I told her we can try again soon.

It was fun to get back into the letter of the week routine, but I'm already finding I'm behind for next week!

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