Throughout the week meteorologists were predicting a snow storm that was to begin Friday night and end by Sunday evening. Their predicted snow amounts kept rising.
And rising.
And rising.
Late Friday afternoon the snow began to fall. We woke up to about six inches of snow. Aaron went out to snowblow the driveway.
A couple hours later he did it again. Four more inches.
A couple hours later he did it again. Six more inches.
A couple hours later he did it again. Three more inches.
Yep, we're definitely living in a winter wonderland now (not that we weren't already!).
Camille and my Mom even braved that freezing flying flakes to enjoy some snow fun.
But we pretty much just hunkered down and kept cozy the entire day. In fact, Aaron and the kids and I didn't even bother to get our of our jammies!
We celebrated my Dad's birthday with delicious chocolate cake. We watched an animated movie about a Christmas tree. We played playdoh.
And while the kids were napping (and after they went to bed last nigh) I continued working on some special Christmas presents.
Our big snowstorm finally moved out late last night and left us with a beautiful blue sky today...and sub-zero temps. Yuck! But hey, we live in Minnesota. So we bundled up this morning, go the car running 15 minutes before it was time to leave, and headed out to church. It may have been nice to be hunkered down in the house all day yesterday, but we were all ready to get out!

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