Thursday, March 18, 2010

operation: no more diapers UPDATE

There are some of you out there (you know who you are) who have been on edge wondering why I haven't written a potty training update every day and when the next one will be.

You can sleep easy tonight.

Camille has been doing great!

The first two days were definitely the most intensive, and after that we've backed off a bit. But still nary a daytime diaper has touched her sweet little bottom.

She's had anywhere from one to four total accidents each day, and is still having a hard time telling us when she has to go (particularly when she has to poop), but she's still having fun wearing big girl panties and I don't have any problem changing her pants occasionally.

It's way better than doing diapers all the time!

She really can hold it for quite a while, so as long as I remember every couple of hours to bring her to the bathroom she does really well.

No, we're certainly not going back to diapers.

I'm so proud of this kid!

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