Saturday, July 11, 2009

sugar high

My Mom and I took Camille to a local parade this evening. We weren't sure how she would do, but we were looking for something that would kill a few hours. And since the weather was so nice outside, we decided to give it a shot. Even though it was nice out, we knew we wanted to avoid sitting in the sun. So we strategically parked ourselves right in front of this gloriously smelling food stand...

We had to wait about 30 minutes before the parade actually started. Just when we thought she wasn't going to make it, it finally began! And boy oh boy did she have fun!! Her favorite, of course, were the marching bands. She bounced and clapped and laughed till she could bounce and clap and laugh no more. Camille simply couldn't take her eyes off the parade, even to stuff mini donutes (did you actually think we could sit there without getting some for ourselves?) into her sugar-coated mouth...

OK, she did look down once to take a slug of lemonade...

Throughout most of the parade she sat/stood/bounced with my Mom. But you can only be sat/stood/bounced on for so long before you need a break. So I snatched Camille away for a few minutes. I even tried to get a picture with her, but she clearly was more interested in watching the parade...

Our outing ended with a sleepy toddler. Even the sugar couldn't affect her cercadian rhythm. She began to crash in the car just after her usual bedtime, and it was all my Mom could do to keep her awake as I zoomed drove carefully home. We called ahead to have my Dad get her bath ready, sped through bathtime, and within minutes Camille was tucked in bed zipped into her sleep sack and dreaming sweet dreams.