Thursday, July 31, 2008

blessed beyond belief

I'm sitting here on the couch now, as Camille is taking a nap upstairs. I feel as if I've been covered in spit-up for the past 18 hours! I don't know what her deal is, but she's been constantly spitting up since yesterday evening. I'm on my fourth load of laundry since then, and I still have to wash our sheets :) But as disgusting it is and as putrid as it smells I realize that I am SO HAPPY to be a MOM! I'm just completely in amazement that I fall more in love with Camille every single day. And in turn, I fall more in love with Aaron every single day! Who am I that God has BLESSED me in such a wonderful way?! Sometimes, when I look at Camille or Aaron, I feel my heart begin to swell. And I hear God whisper to me, "See how much I love you?" All I have to do is see their sweet smiles, or just look into their eyes, and I can feel God's love pouring out onto me! And instantly the smell of spit-up vanishes :) It's such a thrilling feeling knowing I was created to be a mom and a wife! And I pray that I can be a little window of God's love for Camille and Aaron, too.